SNAP, the New York State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is the new name for the food stamp program. SNAP benefits help low-income working people, senior citizens, the disabled and others feed their families healthy food.
SNAP issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used like cash at authorized retail food stores and participating farmers markets. Eligibility and benefit levels are based on household size, income, assets and other factors.
How to Apply for SNAP
Apply Online: You may apply for SNAP using the internet if you live in New York State by going to After your application is filed, the local Department of Social Services or SNAP office will review your information, conduct an interview, and determine your household’s eligibility for SNAP.
Apply by Mail, Fax or In Person: You may apply by filing an application by mail, fax, or in person at your local Department of Social Services or SNAP office. The current SNAP Application and How to Complete the SNAP Application forms are available to print in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian-Creole, Korean and Russian. To find out the location of your nearest SNAP office, contact your local Department of Social Services.
Get Help In Person: In many locations throughout New York State, community organizations and nutrition outreach providers can help you get and complete an application for SNAP. After your application is filed, the local Department of Social Services or SNAP office will review the application, conduct an interview, and determine your household’s eligibility for SNAP. For further assistance, see Nutritional Outreach Educational Providers and Community Organizations
Other Education and Support Programs
Eat Smart New York (ESNY)
Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings (EWPHCC)
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
Creating Healthy Places to Live, Work and Play (CHPLWP)
Hunger Prevention and Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP)
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program
New York State Office for the Aging
Community Organizations
Nutritional Outreach Educational Providers
SuperTracker: My foods. My fitness. My health.
Eating Healthy on a Budget
SNAP to Market