Healthy food is within easy reach: You can get food today at your local food pantry. And when you apply and are approved for SNAP, you’ll get an EBT card you can use just like a debit card to buy food at supermarkets, corner stores and farmers markets.
Use Your SNAP Card Like a Debit Card at the Supermarket
Your SNAP card can be used like a debit card at most stores that sell food. Once your eligible food items have been totaled at the cash register, you will pass your SNAP card at the register, and enter your PIN.

Swipe Your SNAP Card at a Regional Farmers Market
Typically, as a SNAP customer, you will redeem your benefits by swiping our card on a point-of-sale (POS) terminal at the market in exchange for tokens or a paper receipt, which you can then use to buy eligible food products from participating vendors.

Get Food Today at a Local Food Pantry, Whether You Have SNAP or Not!
If you or your family need food, don’t worry, there is help nearby. New York’s food banks all provide easy to use food pantry finders. And you don’t need a SNAP card to access pantries.
Find a Food Pantry Near You

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